The Insulin Initiative organizes and empowers people demanding federal action for affordable and accessible insulin in the United States.

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Our Vision

Low-cost, easily accessible insulin for all in the United States


Our Goals

1) Pass and implement a federal insulin price cap bill

2) Remove the prescription barrier for insulin and allow all insulin to be available over the counter

3) Hold insulin manufacturers accountable for the illegal price fixing of insulin

4) Support the ongoing efforts for Medicare for All


How We Fight

FEDERAL STRATEGY, organizeD locally

The Insulin Initiative fights for federal solutions to the insulin price crisis that impact all people, regardless of health insurance status. We build local relationships to carry out this vision.

DEVELOPING organizers

The Insulin Initiative is building a community organizing engine to develop new leaders in our fight.

driven by data and technology

Data and technology helps us connect advocates to each another and guides our fight for affordable United States insulin.


The Insulin Initiative contributes to the ongoing efforts of grassroots insulin organizers across the country, and the fight for Medicare for All.

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Join the Movement


Connect with others

Email us if you are interested in being an insulin price leader or organizer in your area.

learn about the INSULIN crisis

Resources to guide your advocacy for lower insulin prices in the United States.

sign up for our email list

Sign up to be part of The Insulin Initiative


Our Events

(Coming Soon!)
