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Our Goals

Pass and implement a federal insulin price cap bill

We have to buy insulin or we will die and too many diabetics cannot afford their insulin. A federal insulin price cap bill will ensure that less lives are lost due to the high price tag.

Remove the prescription barrier for insulin and allow all insulin to be available over the counter

The United States is one of the few countries that has this requirement. Insulin being available over the counter will allow diabetics to access this life sustaining hormone without needing a doctor’s permission.

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Hold insulin manufacturers accountable for the illegal price fixing on insulin

Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi are complicit in the deaths of countless diabetics. They need to be held accountable for price gouging insulin through illegal price fixing methods.

Support the ongoing efforts on Medicare for All

Healthcare is human right not just a privilege for those who can afford it. Medicare for All will save an untold amount of lives and will stop people from having to make the choice between their health and other life necessities.